All Writings Health Self improvement

Could L-Arginine help with Long Covid? Some findings through my habit of searching for solutions

I came across the idea in a very matter-of-fact way as part of the process of researching on Amazon, of all places. I looked at L-Arginine and considered its benefits in relation to what I had learned about Long Covid in the past couple of years.

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All Writings Blog Psychology Self improvement

A fondness for the fountain pen, but more so, for writing by hand

“To sit at one’s table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and a fountain pen — that is true happiness.” – Winston Churchill

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All Writings Art & Nature Individual Psychology Self improvement

About creating art by going outside of contemplating the process

Creating anything is art. It is an act of art that goes through a process. Whether one is consciously and methodically following a method like Sherlock Holmes, the detective, or spontaneously giving rise to art, creating is a process. Creation lies in moving beyond the stage when one is about creating; one, then, moves outside […]

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All Writings Art & Nature Individual Observations Self improvement Society

An eye for potential vindicated through actions

The ability to perceive, and to look deeper than mere appearances is a truly wonderful gift. Deeper insight is in the very constitution of some from birth. For others, it can at best be a gained skill. While for the former it comes effortlessly and naturally, for the latter it comes as a labored, deliberate […]

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All Writings Individual Press This Self improvement

Creators’ Lives: The Need to Turn and Change

To the many creators among us, David J Rogers has these words of encouragement, coming from his experience and observation.  He wants to encourage realization coming from within the creator’s mind itself.  This ought to be recognized, and commended. I’ve met many quietly magnificently gifted people who frustrate me and whom I’ve felt like shaking […]

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All Writings Observations Self improvement Society

We have the basis, the infrastructure to develop upon – further thoughts from Jeff Bezos

We have the basis today for a life hardly conceivable even a few decades ago. Great strides have been made, thanks to science, architecture, and the development of the arts through its expressions. A young person today can work at home, and then, walk to the nearest coffee shop. There he can sit alone or […]

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All Writings Self improvement Society

Jeff Bezos’s view of the world and his understanding of the future

Jeff Bezos, like others, has a worldview.  A view of the world, or also called worldview, is such a fundamental part of our thinking.  As one approaches toward the end of one’s expected life, one finds that it is this view that was guiding him as a person.  Jeff Bezos’s view of the world would […]

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All Writings Individual Self improvement

Solitude to sustain and nourish “The self”

The self is one of the earliest realities a person becomes aware of.  Right from the time a child is born, he becomes aware of his own self.  He senses and responds to his environment.  He feels hunger, pain, and also the pleasurable sensations of being held and fed.  In all of this, the child […]

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All Writings Psychology Self improvement

The adaptable self through the connections

The idea of the self is important and very clearly seen in human thinking.  It is because humans are intelligent and aware.  This consciousness we have through the workings of instincts, as well as very complex emotions, leads to the self.  What the self is, becomes clear as it continues to be defined by experiences.  […]

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All Writings Blog Individual Self improvement

The continued need for writing

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”— Maya Angelou (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings) “What really knocks me out is a book that, when you’re all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the […]

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All Writings Press This Self improvement


“Ineffable” is a post from the Renegade Press. The writer, Chris Nicholas, admits to his feelings of inadequacy and the later surprise at his own success. Presented below are three excerpts from his post, followed by the chance to buy his book, You. I’m thrilled about my future as both a writer and a man. […]

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All Writings Blog Individual Psychology Self improvement

When attention is sustained, a small change can hold the potential for a major shift

Could it rightly be said that small things can hold the potential for a major shift?  It is possible that you already understand the possibilities.  It is possible, you have seen by way of observation, or experienced in your life when such a thing happens.  A very simple, innocuous-seeming conversation, reading a passage in a […]

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All Writings Individual Self improvement Society

Identity and self-expression; with some ideas from David Hume and Swami Vivekananda

The act of writing, as one does in one’s own journal or a personal diary, brings a person into a unique state of mind. It is the same state of mind as one has when one is talking to himself. These peculiar practices of writing to build a self-record and the talking to oneself are […]

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All Writings Blog Observations Psychology Self improvement

Writing – pen to paper or fingers to keyboard – tradition over modernity

These days, everyone is a writer.  That is what technology has done.  From the person who composes a short text message and garnishes it with the perfect emojis, to the one who prepares the agenda for an important board meeting, to the one writing in her own journal, everyone is writing.  Whether there is some […]

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All Writings Blog Self improvement

Analysis and problem-solving don’t bring real happiness

Happiness is such a basic human desire.  It also is one of the foremost pursuits of mankind.  Whether we are those who consciously pursue happiness or believe it to be like the light that shines through upon us through the clouds when the time for it has come, we all know the good sensation happiness […]

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All Writings Individual Psychology Self improvement The Young

Why mentors and teachers are especially needed to counter extremism?

Mentors and teachers are a special gift to human society.  These cannot simply be understood to be professions or titles, or some kind of a degree that is earned from an institution.  Rather, these are linked to the personal qualities and concerns of the individual.  Even more so, it is connected with how a person […]

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All Writings Blog Observations Psychology Self improvement

The exclusive focus on physical things will create an imbalance

There has been a noticeable insistence on physical things in recent times.  It has been very deliberate, systematic, and evident of great intelligence.  Who are its proponents is not the most important thing.  One could, of course, examine the sayings of modern, atheist thinkers like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins.  Listening to such intelligent men […]

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All Writings Blog Government Individual Self improvement Society

Is it possible to have development without taking sides?

One would normally consider the taking of sides as being counter-intuitive to the idea of development.  Whatever resources we have, we would want to use them in a planned, organized, and united effort to get the best possible results.  There is a number of examples of this.  In a family, when the father, mother, and […]

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All Writings Blog Psychology Self improvement

The value of having a fluid mind to interact with a diversity of people

Is peace a valid goal to have?  In the short term, it may not seem so.  In the long term, it is one of the ultimate desires.  The end of a war, the start of a conversation – it will all make sense if there is peace at the end of it.  If peace is […]

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All Writings Self improvement The Young

Keeping the thrill of technology in proper perspective to regain control in communication

People seek thrill.  To fulfill that pursuit they look for adventure.  We all happen to be in a world right now where the next adventure is as close as our mobile phone.  When connected to the Internet, the whole world is open before us.  There are the possibility and prospect of visiting any place, reading […]

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