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The Guardian’s Cambridge Analytica & Facebook data story

The algorithm used in the Facebook data breach trawled through personal data for information on sexual orientation, race, gender – and even intelligence and childhood trauma Source: How Cambridge Analytica turned Facebook ‘likes’ into a lucrative political tool | Technology | The Guardian Public data has become a means of dispassionately looking at humanity for […]

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All Writings Psychology Society

Are there reliable ways of finding out the truth about a person on social networking? Part 1: imaginations

This post is not about technicalities of social networking.  It is not about finding the exact IP address or other analytics data about a person.  This post is not about finding technological features to accurately geo-locate a person.  What this post is about are the limitations of human understanding, the capability of humans to deceive […]

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All Writings Blog

Children grow up differently now

  Children today are born into a world we didn’t even imagine years ago.  There are of course many of the older generations who would find much wrong with the young people today.  In these judgments that arise from frustration, it is easy to lose sight of what the young people of today have to […]

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