All Writings Individual Psychology Society The Young

Discovering optimistic individuals and their contribution to our world

In this interconnected modern world, there are possibilities like never before. The possibility of discovering optimistic individuals who can contribute positively to our world is definitely there. It is with optimism for such a possibility that enormous efforts have been made. From a local level to the global, this possibility drives so much human communication. […]

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All Writings Individual Psychology Society

John Steinbeck about understanding people

John Steinbeck is a great writer, as the Nobel committee seemed to have suggested. He answered the recognition in his own way. It is a pleasure even reading his quotes. As he says, understanding other people – that would seem rather obvious to be the cornerstone of communal living, of individuals co-existing in society. While […]

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All Writings Blog Observations

The story of the deaf stonemason

In sharing this story, I take a particular pleasure.  What this man did for us is of truly lasting value.  He worked diligently at our place for just a few days.  In those few days, he endeared himself by the way he worked, his mannerisms, how he paid no attention to supervision, and in all […]

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All Writings Individual Psychology Society

Are your beliefs a response to external information?

Beliefs are one of the most fascinating, and some would say, the most significant component of the ideas that a human being holds.  It wouldn’t be wrong to say, there is always some emotional connection to any idea that forms a part of the beliefs of any human being.  When a wife believes her husband […]

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