All Writings Individual Press This Self improvement

Creators’ Lives: The Need to Turn and Change

To the many creators among us, David J Rogers has these words of encouragement, coming from his experience and observation.  He wants to encourage realization coming from within the creator’s mind itself.  This ought to be recognized, and commended. I’ve met many quietly magnificently gifted people who frustrate me and whom I’ve felt like shaking […]

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All Writings Blog

Keeping some confidence in other human beings

It is difficult to communicate with others if you do not have any confidence in them.  One of the things that make being a human special is the ability to communicate.  It is the ability to put thoughts into words that make us unique.  It is also, thus, reasonable to conclude that we alone are […]

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All Writings Blog Observations

How to compete without being enemies?

It seems the most common of tendencies, and almost instinctive for us to compare ourselves with another.  We are competing in appearances, in words, in wealth, education, nation, or some other reason that human society has developed to put a division in the family.  Our comparisons produce envy and jealousy, but also the aspiring to […]

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