All Writings Art & Nature Individual Psychology Self improvement

About creating art by going outside of contemplating the process

Creating anything is art. It is an act of art that goes through a process. Whether one is consciously and methodically following a method like Sherlock Holmes, the detective, or spontaneously giving rise to art, creating is a process. Creation lies in moving beyond the stage when one is about creating; one, then, moves outside […]

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All Writings Individual Press This Self improvement

Creators’ Lives: The Need to Turn and Change

To the many creators among us, David J Rogers has these words of encouragement, coming from his experience and observation.  He wants to encourage realization coming from within the creator’s mind itself.  This ought to be recognized, and commended. I’ve met many quietly magnificently gifted people who frustrate me and whom I’ve felt like shaking […]

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All Writings Blog Observations

The notches on tools and the end of the world

We are surrounded by tools.  From the ordinary nail cutter to the kitchen knife, to our smartwatches, mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, and computers.  Tools of all different kinds are all around us as evidence of human ingenuity and entrepreneurship.  Somewhere, someone saw a need and decided to create a solution for it.  In that creating […]

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All Writings Individual Self improvement Society

Identity and self-expression; with some ideas from David Hume and Swami Vivekananda

The act of writing, as one does in one’s own journal or a personal diary, brings a person into a unique state of mind. It is the same state of mind as one has when one is talking to himself. These peculiar practices of writing to build a self-record and the talking to oneself are […]

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All Writings Blog Observations

To be consumed, yet not be burnt – the gentle illumination

It is that image that has always appealed to me.  Yes, it brings back to mind the burning bush, the one Moses saw, and from there, his life changed.  This is not about Moses though.  This is about the bush.  An angel is said to have descended upon the bush, manifesting the Almighty God himself.  […]

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All Writings Blog

Looking at life the wrong way, no long

By the mind one understands.  By an excess of the same mind, one misunderstands. How does one escape the tendency to be unsteadied by the extreme of a habit?  For as is one’s occupation, so one becomes proficient.  The great discovery since the developments of the sciences has been the tendency toward the mind, even […]

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All Writings Individual Observations Psychology Society

When the creative meet the unrewarding world of social networking – a basis from Bertrand Russell

A [creative] boy will toil up hill with a toboggan for the sake of the few brief moments of bliss during the descent; no one has to urge him to be industrious, and however he may puff and pant he is still happy. But if instead of the immediate reward you promised him an old-age pension at […]

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

The natural order of things as a basis for justice

There is a natural order of things.  Nature works because, it has its own system.  The most gigantic interaction of living and the nonliving makes up the system of nature.  In this system, there are many parts and subsystems.  We can discern, there is an order to the way all creatures interact with the environment […]

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