All Writings Bipolar Disorder Psychology

Bipolar disorder – the inner conflicts arising from trying to reconcile the Old and New Testament writings

Bipolar disorder has become the accepted name given to the manifest inner conflicts of disturbed individuals.  While there are questions and concerns over the diagnosis of bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) itself, there are special considerations that arise as a person’s beliefs are considered.  The source of those beliefs also invariably comes into question.  Aside from […]

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All Writings Individual Psychology Self improvement The Young

Why mentors and teachers are especially needed to counter extremism?

Mentors and teachers are a special gift to human society.  These cannot simply be understood to be professions or titles, or some kind of a degree that is earned from an institution.  Rather, these are linked to the personal qualities and concerns of the individual.  Even more so, it is connected with how a person […]

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All Writings Observations

Why is moderation the answer to extremism? (A principle for peace.)

To be moderate in thought is the way to peace.  Even in the great accomplishment of lasting worth, we seek moderation to be the desired state of human existence.  In one of the posts some time back, some thought was put into considering the growth of extremism and the possibility of some remedy.  Extremism is […]

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All Writings Government Psychology

Can today’s leaders improve our future by making more positive predictions?

Predictions are humanly impossible and are equally common.  Yes, as rare as they should be, they, in fact, form a part of everyday speech.  Whenever someone says, I will do this and I will do that, we are in a sense indulging in a prediction.  It is our certainty about life itself and our ability […]

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All Writings Observations Psychology

The mind and its need for certainty – a tendency toward black-and-white thinking

Time goes by and a human mind is able to persist despite a lack of certainty.  It requires a simplicity and an exercise of patience, but it is possible.  Keeping a sense of contentment is very important during times of uncertainty.  It is quite like a ship out in the open sea.  A ship can […]

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All Writings Observations Psychology

The vicious cycle of paranoia and extremism

During times of difficulty and great anguish, the subtlety of human thought suffers.  There is not the attention to detail, and nuance seems only hypocritical.  What a relaxed mind, one at ease in a secure environment can do, a stressed mind cannot.  This is easily understandable.  This understanding should have caused humans to aspire for […]

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All Writings Observations

The future of human society is predicated upon our perception of justice

The featured image: Weighing of the Heart Book of the Dead written on papyrus showing the Weighing of the Heart in the Duat using the feather of Maat as the measure in balance. What is justice?  Is personal justice and justification more important than social justice?  Is human intelligence capable of offering satisfactory justice?  Is divine justice the only possible hope […]

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All Writings Observations

The flawed and biased employment of critical thinking

  The website, “The Critical Thinking Community” carries this definition of critical thinking, on one of its pages: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, […]

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All Writings Observations

Criticizing the institutions – what lesson in Jehovah’s witnesses and others?

The short answers is, it depends on the person to join or criticize JWs or any other institution.  An important separation between the institution and the individual should always remain in the mind of the observer.  The difference and the connection should be a constant, and an obvious fact.

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All Writings Observations

Overcoming disappointment with Jehovah’s witnesses, and humans in general

I was never interested in organized religion.  Organized religion meant the confining and defining of any real faith a person might have.  The worst taste of religion for me – deeply organized and correctly identified as a cult – was with Jehovah’s witnesses.  Right from the time I was studying, I could see some crucial […]

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All Writings Observations

Why the growth of extremism in recent times? Is there a remedy?

It would be a mistake to confine extremism to religion or political ideology or a nationality.  Extremism can be found anywhere, even in music and art.  It is usually a response to some external trouble.  It could be seen as a means of countering the negative influence of outside forces, and as a means to […]

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All Writings Observations

Determining what is “fake news”. What is “real news”?

The phrase “fake news” has become popular in recent times.  In the year 2016, another related phrase “post truth” became popular.  Outside of the political world, there is much that is happening which makes the appearance and use of these phrases timely and legitimate.  A consideration of what is behind these ideas will help us […]

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

Why a human is incapable of truth, but is capable of peace?

The truth could be seen as, when, a statement is the same as the existence of a matter.  When a man speaks of what is in existence, he offers his observation.  He observes, understands, and expresses.  If the understanding is the same as that of everyone else, it has to be regarded as truth!  This […]

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