Even personal problems, if constantly ruminated on, can drown any person’s enthusiasm. The young people of our day have the chance to leverage historically unparalleled resources and make a real difference.
Tag: Future
We have the basis today for a life hardly conceivable even a few decades ago. Great strides have been made, thanks to science, architecture, and the development of the arts through its expressions. A young person today can work at home, and then, walk to the nearest coffee shop. There he can sit alone or […]
Jeff Bezos, like others, has a worldview. A view of the world, or also called worldview, is such a fundamental part of our thinking. As one approaches toward the end of one’s expected life, one finds that it is this view that was guiding him as a person. Jeff Bezos’s view of the world would […]
I remember my father as a wise man. He acquired a wisdom that comes from doing work with his own hands, tinkering with any machine for hours and finding a fix when many others would simply give up. And he had the gift of interacting with people face-to-face with an uncommon familiarity. I don’t know […]
As hard as one may try, it is not possible to entirely avoid the practice of predicting the future. Why is it that people want to predict the outcome before it happens? The reason is quite simple. There is a desire to have certainty about the future. Predictions give us a feeling of security. We […]
Art follows life, or does life follow art? This question seems nowhere more relevant than in the case of movies. Movies are the depiction of life. The characters in some cases are so relatable, that people have seen themselves on the movie screen. They learn lessons, find out their own mistakes, and understand more about […]
Children grow up differently now
Children today are born into a world we didn’t even imagine years ago. There are of course many of the older generations who would find much wrong with the young people today. In these judgments that arise from frustration, it is easy to lose sight of what the young people of today have to […]
Try as one may otherwise, the human mind by necessity needs to have some basic concepts about the world around us. The concepts we have could be, should be, of a more general nature. Upon these basic concepts, details are added through observations, experiences, training, and learning. If the basic concept is correct, they will […]