All Writings Blog Observations

To be consumed, yet not be burnt – the gentle illumination

It is that image that has always appealed to me.  Yes, it brings back to mind the burning bush, the one Moses saw, and from there, his life changed.  This is not about Moses though.  This is about the bush.  An angel is said to have descended upon the bush, manifesting the Almighty God himself.  […]

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All Writings Blog Psychology Self improvement

The value of having a fluid mind to interact with a diversity of people

Is peace a valid goal to have?  In the short term, it may not seem so.  In the long term, it is one of the ultimate desires.  The end of a war, the start of a conversation – it will all make sense if there is peace at the end of it.  If peace is […]

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All Writings Observations

Pixelated Mona Lisa – the human mind trapped in specifics

A fascination with specifics and analyzing details has become an obsession and considered proof of intelligent mind.  It is considered the sign of a civilized, sophisticated person to find and extract what is of interest from a whole mass of information.  Machines, no doubt, are better than humans in the cold extraction of a “fact […]

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