I came across the idea in a very matter-of-fact way as part of the process of researching on Amazon, of all places. I looked at L-Arginine and considered its benefits in relation to what I had learned about Long Covid in the past couple of years.
Tag: Health
“The health of the mind”: As easy as it is to say those words, it is endlessly a challenge to keep them. To keep a healthy mind is a challenge for so many reasons. It becomes a challenge due to the way we live our lives, the occupations of the modern man, the systemic injustices, physical […]
What is a myth? A myth is a traditional story consisting of events that are ostensibly historical, though often supernatural, explaining the origins of a cultural practice or natural phenomenon. The word “myth” is derived from the Greek word mythos (μῦθος), which simply means “story”. Mythology can refer either to the study of myths, or to a body or collection of myths. Myth can […]