Tag: Hope
The young people’s search for optimism and for hope
Even personal problems, if constantly ruminated on, can drown any person’s enthusiasm. The young people of our day have the chance to leverage historically unparalleled resources and make a real difference.
The notches on tools and the end of the world
We are surrounded by tools. From the ordinary nail cutter to the kitchen knife, to our smartwatches, mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, and computers. Tools of all different kinds are all around us as evidence of human ingenuity and entrepreneurship. Somewhere, someone saw a need and decided to create a solution for it. In that creating…
Can real happiness be found through objectivity?
It would be difficult to place an exact event or time when a person experiences happiness for the first time. One would very much hope, it was during the days of infancy, even before the faculties of reason had started to develop. And so, by this way of referencing, happiness or the experiencing of it…
Light over fear
Fear is one of the worst enemies of man. Just from where one learns to fear and be afraid of the unknown is hard to say. It is true, to stay with the unknown produces a sense of dissatisfaction within the human mind. Man wants to know. Once the unknown turns into something known, the…
The conflicts and infighting of humans will end
To look upon the conflicts of mankind is an experience of great dismay. Yes, there are those who have firmly come to the conclusion that to be in a state of perpetual conflict and infighting is human destiny. For we seem to have evolved from the lower state of existence through our struggles, developed into…
Why mentors and teachers are especially needed to counter extremism?
Mentors and teachers are a special gift to human society. These cannot simply be understood to be professions or titles, or some kind of a degree that is earned from an institution. Rather, these are linked to the personal qualities and concerns of the individual. Even more so, it is connected with how a person…
Finding belief in moderateness in the nuclear age
Nuclear technology is not bad in itself. We have understood the sun and the stars, and in a way, have harnessed the same power to a lesser extent. We have controlled fission, and are yet to understand ways to control fusion for peaceful purposes. The insistence on using solar energy to fulfill the requirements for electricity…
Why our predictions must move away from utter doom to continuity?
The idea of terminal decline is pulling the power of prediction like a black hole pulls light into it. This phenomenon is not new. It has happened again and again throughout history. It has also had its reasons. It is sufficient to say that people desire achievement and progress. However, when the price, the sacrifices,…
Can today’s leaders improve our future by making more positive predictions?
Predictions are humanly impossible and are equally common. Yes, as rare as they should be, they, in fact, form a part of everyday speech. Whenever someone says, I will do this and I will do that, we are in a sense indulging in a prediction. It is our certainty about life itself and our ability…
What kind of conversations can truly produce change in society?
Conversations are the most powerful tool to bring change in society. In a civil society, it is the only acceptable tool. It is true, we have to make an assumption about a society being civil in the first place. Aside from a limited personal experience and association, a very cursory reflection on the whole of…
It’s okay to be superstitious right now
Why would anyone knowingly want to be superstitious! There is enough trouble in life without being such. Yes, it is not wrong to reach this conclusion. However, when you look at the lack of reason in human society, it does give one cause for wonder. One wonders specifically in this way: We have today, a…
Making the link between technology, culture, and youth – Arianna Huffington on Thrive Global
Come join me to discuss, debate and ask questions, kickstarting this urgently-needed conversation to ensure that 2018 is the year when we put technology in its right place and take back control of our lives. Source: An Open Letter From Arianna Huffington to India on our Relationship with Technology | Thrive Global The original article…
Curiosity and a spirit of adventure for those who seek answers, not absolute certainty
While it is very desirable to be able to come to a point of certainty, it is not always possible. The rules we set, the goals we pursue, the desires we cherish could be examples of stable reasons for actions. However, these too can change with time. What appeared to be certain yesterday can appear…
Finding peace through a willingness to adjust
The willingness to adjust comes upon consideration of several factors. While it is tempting to let all of one’s thinking and desires be centered on oneself or one objective, life rarely lets it be so simple. There is a multitude of considerations for every person who recognizes his responsibilities. Such a recognition brings a slowness…
What is required to even consider changing one’s beliefs to explore better possibilities for the future?
The last post went through a consideration of the possibility of changing one’s beliefs. It is a task best considered worth undertaking for the sake of survival. Beliefs are also to be considered as a subject for change in the interest of preservation, longevity, and continuity. Our existing generations would not be the first to…
Children grow up differently now
Children today are born into a world we didn’t even imagine years ago. There are of course many of the older generations who would find much wrong with the young people today. In these judgments that arise from frustration, it is easy to lose sight of what the young people of today have to…
Thinking in the shade of a tree
Just this afternoon, while a mild sunshine came through what appeared to be a layer of smoke in the New Delhi sky, there were some thoughts in my mind. There were thoughts of the nature that disturb, and also some make requests for peace. I was, while sitting under the tree in our yard, thinking…
Are your beliefs a response to external information?
Beliefs are one of the most fascinating, and some would say, the most significant component of the ideas that a human being holds. It wouldn’t be wrong to say, there is always some emotional connection to any idea that forms a part of the beliefs of any human being. When a wife believes her husband…
About sin, the world, and death – questions and wonders partly confined to human imagination
Sin, the world, and death – we wonder of these at some time in our existence – by choice or we are compelled to. In these very words or some other, in one language or another, we are confronted and cannot run away. There is to be found a peculiar coexistence in human thought today,…
Observation – The disobedient angel and humans in Eden: what it says about the Creator?
Just in general terms and even with a number of misconceptions, the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden is one of the most popular stories from the Bible. It happens to be right at the start, in the first few chapters of Genesis. That is a prime reason for its popularity.…
Crisis of democracy – the simultaneous rise of individualism and populism through the agency of the Internet
If one were to make a most basic study of the idea of democracy, it would readily be understood that it stands on the principle of transfer of power. Decades ago and as it happened for centuries, when even the possibility of the existence of the Internet and communication technology as we have today could…
Indian government’s demonetization step – preparing a nation for the future
It has to be maintained that, when history would look back upon the Indian government’s decision of demonetization, factors more significant than political party and economics would be considered. Did the present Indian government under the BJP have complete and full understanding of the implications, and of the effects of demonetization as they would be…
Indian government’s demonetization step – the indomitable idea
As human beings, it is very desirable that we adhere to the principles of reason. By adhering to those principles we can have a more peaceful life, and the prospect of better relations with others. At the same time, a realization about living by reason must be admitted: When reason alone becomes the overriding pursuit…