All Writings Blog Individual Psychology Self improvement

When attention is sustained, a small change can hold the potential for a major shift

Could it rightly be said that small things can hold the potential for a major shift?  It is possible that you already understand the possibilities.  It is possible, you have seen by way of observation, or experienced in your life when such a thing happens.  A very simple, innocuous-seeming conversation, reading a passage in a […]

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All Writings Blog Observations

Why is it that so much conversation fails to produce change in society?

Conversation is so uniquely human.  Even in the stories we write, one of the fascinating capabilities a writer can give to his imagined beast is to talk like humans.  A bird, a dragon, a serpent, or some other ferocious beast takes on a new life as soon as it talks like humans do.  From there, […]

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All Writings Self improvement The Young

Keeping the thrill of technology in proper perspective to regain control in communication

People seek thrill.  To fulfill that pursuit they look for adventure.  We all happen to be in a world right now where the next adventure is as close as our mobile phone.  When connected to the Internet, the whole world is open before us.  There are the possibility and prospect of visiting any place, reading […]

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