North and South Korea have agreed to hold a summit at their heavily armed border next month, with Pyongyang saying it would consider abandoning nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees, Seoul said Tuesday. Source: North Korea agrees to summit with South, possible nuclear freeze – France 24 Views At precisely this point of agreement, […]
Tag: USA
That’s a lot sooner than expected. Source: Scoop: U.S. to move Israel embassy to Jerusalem May 14 – Axios Relevant discussion from December 21, 2017, General Assembly Overwhelmingly Adopts Resolution Asking Nations Not to Locate Diplomatic Missions in Jerusalem The point has often been made that Israel is the only real democracy in the middle-East. […]
Tehran has announced that purchase orders by merchants that are based on US currency would no longer be allowed to go through import procedures. Source: Iran bans use of US dollar in trade — RT Business News The deliberate shift away from the PetroDollar affects US’ role in the global economy. What the US can […]
Nuclear technology is not bad in itself. We have understood the sun and the stars, and in a way, have harnessed the same power to a lesser extent. We have controlled fission, and are yet to understand ways to control fusion for peaceful purposes. The insistence on using solar energy to fulfill the requirements for electricity […]
One would normally consider the taking of sides as being counter-intuitive to the idea of development. Whatever resources we have, we would want to use them in a planned, organized, and united effort to get the best possible results. There is a number of examples of this. In a family, when the father, mother, and […]