In this interconnected modern world, there are possibilities like never before. The possibility of discovering optimistic individuals who can contribute positively to our world is definitely there. It is with optimism for such a possibility that enormous efforts have been made. From a local level to the global, this possibility drives so much human communication. We feel hope. We have reasons for such hope!
Optimism. Who doesn’t want to have optimism? Optimistic. Who doesn’t want to be considered optimistic! Of the qualities we associate regularly with a positive person, optimism is one we do readily. There are good reasons for doing so, but the most important of those reasons is in the person itself. Optimism transforms the general attitude. The view of the future, or how it will be, fundamentally affects a person’s life, and also his actions right now.
So much of what a person does is inspired by what he expects his own life to be in the coming time. Optimism gives power; it charges the mind and heart. Optimism creates that, which leads to constructive action. Understandably, a person wants to have solid reasons to be optimistic. Otherwise, one is found to be acting on emotion alone, or just going with a good feeling and not bringing with it the meaningful, purposeful action that actually makes optimism the worth that it is.
![Optimism going forth as an ocean wave](
![Optimism standing beautiful as a sunflower](
![Optimism as free as birds in flight](
Optimism as free as birds in flight
![Optimism as sure as a sunrise](
Finding the company of optimistic individuals
As one is, so is one likely to find companions. We can work with such a belief. A positive trait like optimism will be noticed by others. It will be noticed by all the others. In that noticing, there is going to be a mix of individuals. In that mix, there are to be found those who like oneself will have the trait of optimism. When even a few such individuals will get together, there is certainly going to be a core of energy that will be necessary to drive toward the future. This drive will be, yes, meaningful, purposeful, and constructive. When based on a reason that is true, it will also not lose the energy driving it.
The company of optimistic individuals may be found outside of one’s personal lack of such a quality. True. And there are those who try to do so. However, it is missing the most important ingredient; an essential component. What is it? It is the effect of optimism on one’s own life. If optimism is within oneself – going positively with a sense of purpose – there is to be found that energy which no longer is dependent on others to initiate, or to be sustained. One with foresight, one with wisdom is certainly going to appreciate its value. The one with true optimism is also going to no longer, or ever, to need to pretend being positive. The energy is real. Actions prove the optimism that burns within.
IF you have noticed thus far that the pursuit of “Discovering optimistic individuals and their contribution to our world” is answered within the individual – within oneself – then, you have surely understood the message.
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
– Anne Frank (Tales from the Secret Annex)
Be optimistic
It is advisable to be optimistic. Yes, it is desirable to be optimistic. Surely, it is reasonable to be optimistic. Be optimistic!
Why is it advisable to be optimistic?
Before answering this question, one can also ask the question: Is one optimistic because one is told to be, or is it something a person feels from within? The answer, though obvious, is one that still needs to be spelled out clearly. One must feel optimistic. If one is feeling incapable of being optimistic, then, the reasons for it may be in excess of what is simply psychological.
Coming back to the question, it is advisable to be optimistic (especially if such advice comes from a wise observer) because the flaw to the contrary has been noticed – pessimism, or even worse, nihilism. A young person, especially, should naturally feel optimistic. It goes alongside the energy and exuberance of youth. The absence of such optimism, if not supported by evident reasons is a cause for concern. One’s own mind ought to keep searching for reasons to be positive, and being optimistic is certainly positive. Being grateful is surely one quality that itself will put a person in tune with the reasons to be optimistic, and also to discover such reasons. So, to be optimistic, be grateful!
Why is it desirable to be optimistic?
It is desirable to be optimistic because one has then opened the door to the inflow and outflow of fresh energy. This inflow and outflow is optimism itself. The channel, the door to such a flow is optimism. This is a beautiful thing to realize. The door of optimism leads to brightness within an individual. This, in turn, makes an individual optimistic.
There is more, however. Aside from the possibility of attracting other optimistic individuals, such an individual will surely have a positive effect on others in his society. So, from the individual, an entire society of associated individuals starts to benefit; stands to benefit. This ought to be seen as desirable in any progressive society.
Why is it reasonable to be optimistic?
As one is progressing quickly these days from the exuberance of youth to the maturity that comes with age, and also knowledge, the need for reasonableness is quickly realized. Yes, reasonableness gives balance. Reasonableness gives stability. This balance and stability, in turn, ensure longevity and consistency.
Aside from the psychological reason, one is also to consider the external reality. An optimistic person looks for solutions! He does so because he is internally convinced of a better future. This finding of solutions surely benefits him, but then, it also benefits others in society. It is quite possible, each time an individual has found a solution, he has also addressed the needs or wants of many other individuals. By addressing specific reasons that stand against the need, desire, and possibility of being optimistic, optimism itself is moving toward a solution-finding mind. This is especially reasonable to have in oneself.
“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”
— Roy T. Bennett (The Light in the Heart)
Who are good examples of optimism?
Of course, one can look to the obvious examples among inventors, entrepreneurs, leaders, and such. As a reader with one’s own sphere of interests, you would likely be able to recall or search for numerous other examples, simply impossible to list here. One could find any number of names, but for the sake of naming, let’s mention examples in their own respective fields.
Take, for instance, Guido of Arezzo. He was an Italian music theorist of the Medieval era. He is regarded as the inventor of modern musical notation (staff notation) that replaced neumatic notation. His text, the Micrologus, was the second most widely distributed treatise on music in the Middle Ages (after the writings of Boethius).
We can take the example of Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-born American inventor, scientist, and engineer who is credited with inventing and patenting the first practical telephone. He also co-founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.
Where the optimist and a pessimist differ today?
We can use just the two examples above to make a very significant point; one that is of great relevance today. One person looks at Guido and sees an important contribution to music. We cannot think of modern music without the contribution of this man, who at his time, realized the need for something. Similarly, we can look at Alexander, and not think of the entire apparatus and ways of communication without recognizing his invention. This is absolutely the normal thing to do, the healthy thing to do.
However, there is bound to be a set of individuals, who instead of thinking of their achievements and contributions to the world would focus on all the ills that have taken hold of music and of communication. A pessimist would look at certain styles of music, especially modern music, and look toward Guido’s work in a negative light. Or a pessimist would look at how the Android or iPhone have evolved from the humble telephone, and these gadgets have contributed to the decline of the family and of society. In all fairness, ask yourself: Could Guido or Alexander ever have envisioned what would become of their innovations? Are they even remotely responsible for what some humans choose to do with the knowledge or technology at hand, even if we agree, there are improper or less-than-worthy uses of human innovation? An optimist would simply look at human advancement, see positive uses, find constructive applications in the same spirit as original innovators, and keep to that positive path. Thus, individual optimists prove grateful to the original thinkers and doers, and, also become reasons for such for those who follow. This line – the line of optimism – one must agree is the better course to be on!
Finding one’s community of optimists
One can suppose, there are optimists to be found in just about any field one looks into. Remember: Discovering optimistic individuals and their contribution to our world is an ongoing search. It really never stops, even after finding what is seeking. The same can be said for pessimists. What though are your personal interests? In the whole field of human activities, there ought to be things that one finds interesting at a personal level. Whether it is literature, science, math, art, religion, philosophy, etc. One has to see, or rather, foresee also where one’s interests and associations will lead them in life. The two, we find, are inter-related.
Having developed in oneself the character and mindset that seeks to use energy and ability in a constructive way, the optimist sets out. Along the way, he is bound to meet fellow optimists who are going on the same path. This is what one can expect. There will be co-operation, and, there will also be competition. The optimist will find the means within himself to keep going. He will also inspire others. And for those times he finds himself in need of support, a fellow optimist will be found to provide that support because the optimist first was a giver himself.
“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”
— Victor Hugo (Les Misérables)
And finally
So while we briefly just touched on the subject of music (and communication), why not enjoy a few examples from modern times. From the millions of possibilities, these are some I have enjoyed. To me, in these examples, there are some old, timeless, themes set to the accompaniment of modern inventions in instruments or recordings. Quite enjoyable!