Words of a moment,
Flash of an idea,
Like the twinkle of a distant star,
Or the breeze from a falling feather.

People are expressing introspection publicly. I smile thinking, if Jesus Christ had a Twitter account, what would he write. 🙂 And when those same words were read by a poor man in a field, or a rich man in a palace, or a war-torn city – what words could have meaning for all of them! Could any utterance retain meaning in a timeless way?
When thoughts are expressed so, even a prayer loses meaning as a public display. The sought reward is the appreciation and criticism of other men and women. Fickle – it leaves behind a shallow satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
This is the world of social sharing on networks…while it lasts…entirely unprepared for the powers that are too powerful for mankind, already weakened and inebriated with the poor wine of its own ideas.