Simplicity promotes peace. Such peace is also easier to maintain because there is lesser that can go wrong. If it does, it’s easier to fix.
Nature emphasizes simplicity. All creatures have a basic form, each of a kind resembling the other.
At the foundation, we too should aim for simplicity. There are some things that cannot be changed. They should not be changed. Their permanence and reliability support life. A sustainable way of life is desirable, achievable, and peaceful. It is worth preserving.
Observations on complexity and simplicity
With age, or due to other factors, tiredness starts to appear in the human mind. Exhaustion from excessive attention to detail is natural. Then, it becomes desirable to have simplicity. Why? The less there is to disturb, the less there is to fear. The less there is to maintain, the easier it is on the mind.
The time of youth is different. The person has energy. One who seeks to invest those energies into the workings of the mind can do so with great vigor and stamina. This has, on occasion, become a reason for pride. It expresses itself in insensitivity.
A similar observation can be made about a mind trained in religious thinking. A black-and-white approach is part of much religious thought. There are clear distinctions between right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark. To step outside of such thinking produces fear, yes, a sense of anxiety. To remain within such thinking gives predictability to life, peace to the living.
While generations, religions, cultures, and opinions separate us today, there still remains hope. There is hope of finding common ground. There is hope of finding a common foundation. Eventually, there is peace in simplicity. Peace is simplicity! If there is agreement on the simple things, unity can be preserved – within and without.