SECRETS of a Strong Mind (2nd edition)


A former FBI counter-espionage agent offers field-tested methods for readers to develop mental toughness. She provides a curated package of tools and techniques to help them realize they are capable of far more than they believe to be possible.

In this revised and updated edition of Secrets of a Strong Mind, LaRae Quy combines FBI training with no-nonsense real-talk on how you can develop your maximum potential.

It’s not obstacles that hold you back, it’s your attitude about both them and yourself. Many people feel overwhelmed. Secrets of a Strong Mind is a timely slap in the face to remind us that grit and mental toughness are needed to stick to our values so we can face our challenges and live a more successful life.

The powerful principles in this book will help you forge an unbeatable attitude, formulate action plans, and develop the tenacity to succeed in both your personal and professional lives.



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My own review as seen on Amazon

The secrets to a strong mind are…

I first came across LaRae on Twitter. Her profile, as it states, also via this book was fascinating. So, from her social media profile and website, I first heard of this book, “Secrets of a strong mind”. Keenly, I got this book on my Kindle reader. Alongside this review, I’ve added a few glimpses into this book. Those are to just give you an idea that there are many, many more such instances in this book that a discerning, pro-active reader would find to benefit from.

As anticipated, this book has come from a strong mind. It is rich with information and encouragement because it comes from a person who started to learn these lessons long before she joined the FBI. As one reads the book, one appreciates that it starts from her formative experiences of childhood, and then, they carry on in the way the author has lived. There is an obvious reason this book carries weight. It is practical! And through that practicality, there are observations and lessons. There is obviously one lesson; one that the author has practiced herself – taking personal responsibility.

So, while it is possible to take some central ideas from LaRae, what is fascinating with this book is to see, how those ideas are woven together to make for a compelling encouragement, and also straightforward criticism where it is due. While there is an understanding of genuine reasons why many have not found or lived the life they had imagined, there is not mere sympathy, but a forceful inspiration to go beyond feeling sorry for oneself. This book will prompt you to action, to be authentic, because it is written out of real-life-lessons.

Other books by LaRae Quy


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