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Edward Hopper – The Book of Life

Edward Hopper is a painter of gloomy-looking paintings which don’t make us feel gloomy. Instead, they help us to recognise and accept the loneliness that so often lies at the heart of sadness.  In his Automat, a woman sits alone drinking a cup of coffee. It is late and, to judge by her hat and coat,

Source: Edward Hopper – The Book of LifeThe Book of Life

A beautiful writing from The School of Life about the artist, Edward Hopper, and what inspired his art.  A chance to learn about his personal life and how his art is a gift to the viewers.

These excerpts from the original article do offer us compelling reasons to know more about the man’s life, as a real attempt to understand our own a little bit better.

But of course – as most of us discover in our relationships – Hopper’s marriage didn’t permanently end his feelings of isolation and woe. He was still lonely at times. He and his wife couldn’t quite figure out their sex life. She often seemed to prefer the company of her cat.

Hopper discovered that – even when others love us very much – some essential part of us is always alone.

Some wonderful reading, and a cause to reflect… as usual, from the School of Life.

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