All Writings Art & Nature Blog Observations

The Waltz Garden – a place of magic.

It is really my wish from the writing of this piece, that those who read it come to think of The Waltz Garden as having a permanent place among the gardens they know of. That they come to think of it as unique. By no means has this garden reached its zenith. It is still growing, still changing, and has so much more to offer. There is that promise in that magical place. There is that potential.

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All Writings Art & Nature Blog

The WG magic speaks first, unhindered

While I was taking the time to select from among the postings of The Waltz Garden, there were some starting from the beginning of 2020, that stood out. Actually, there isn’t any that does not stand out. These simply became instances that could be chosen from a list, where nothing deserves to be ignored.

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All Writings Art & Nature Blog Observations

Remembering Sir Roger Scruton

A great thinker does not need the endorsement of others. Before the content of his thoughts, which, if they happen to point to truths, his ability stands itself as the gift exemplified. Sir Roger Scruton (27 February 1944 -12 January 2020) shall be remembered as one such thinker.

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All Writings Art & Nature Individual Psychology Self improvement

About creating art by going outside of contemplating the process

Creating anything is art. It is an act of art that goes through a process. Whether one is consciously and methodically following a method like Sherlock Holmes, the detective, or spontaneously giving rise to art, creating is a process. Creation lies in moving beyond the stage when one is about creating; one, then, moves outside […]

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All Writings Art & Nature Individual Observations Self improvement Society

An eye for potential vindicated through actions

The ability to perceive, and to look deeper than mere appearances is a truly wonderful gift. Deeper insight is in the very constitution of some from birth. For others, it can at best be a gained skill. While for the former it comes effortlessly and naturally, for the latter it comes as a labored, deliberate […]

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All Writings Art & Nature Blog

Working with artists on Twitter – a privilege, a pleasure

I was just recalling in the last post about how more of my time was spent engaging with others.  A lot of that engagement did come through Twitter.  As many have found, it is a medium that allows for speed and brevity.  Brevity, too, is not so much an issue now because it is easy […]

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All Writings Art & Nature Press This

Edward Hopper – The Book of Life

Edward Hopper is a painter of gloomy-looking paintings which don’t make us feel gloomy. Instead, they help us to recognise and accept the loneliness that so often lies at the heart of sadness.  In his Automat, a woman sits alone drinking a cup of coffee. It is late and, to judge by her hat and coat, […]

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