Category: The Young
The young people’s search for optimism and for hope
Even personal problems, if constantly ruminated on, can drown any person’s enthusiasm. The young people of our day have the chance to leverage historically unparalleled resources and make a real difference.
Discovering optimistic individuals and their contribution to our world
In this interconnected modern world, there are possibilities like never before. The possibility of discovering optimistic individuals who can contribute positively to our world is definitely there. It is with optimism for such a possibility that enormous efforts have been made. From a local level to the global, this possibility drives so much human communication.…
Why mentors and teachers are especially needed to counter extremism?
Mentors and teachers are a special gift to human society. These cannot simply be understood to be professions or titles, or some kind of a degree that is earned from an institution. Rather, these are linked to the personal qualities and concerns of the individual. Even more so, it is connected with how a person…
Becoming the kind of people who have a diversity of interests
Technology has affected not only societies but also the individual within them. In particular, the way we search and access information has become very specific. This is not a bad thing. However, it also requires a user of technology to put this knowledge to use. Using information is possible through understanding, and that understanding comes…
How can the youth protect themselves from addiction to technology?
It has been with every generation, especially in the past 100 years that addiction to technology has been a very real possibility. Since the start of the industrial revolution, the speed of change has been tremendous. Dependence on machines and development in technology has gone hand-in-hand. The younger ones, more enthusiastic and curious by nature,…
Making the link between technology, culture, and youth – Arianna Huffington on Thrive Global
Come join me to discuss, debate and ask questions, kickstarting this urgently-needed conversation to ensure that 2018 is the year when we put technology in its right place and take back control of our lives. Source: An Open Letter From Arianna Huffington to India on our Relationship with Technology | Thrive Global The original article…