Tag: Criticism
Short thought – 4 – the bane of criticism
Crud in the eye of the mind, Sourness in the blood of the soul, The critic elaborates an idea he would find, In time he will be famous as a blind fool.
It sounds noble, as it is appealing – to practice a higher level of criticism that is not directed by objective. There is hardly an offering of criticism today that is not directed by objective, not subject to some personal interest, not contaminated by some ulterior motive. It might even be opined that it is…
Every time new inventions and technologies have arrived upon mankind, there have been critics of them. Some of these criticisms are valid. Even the observations upon which these criticisms are made are not obvious to everyone. For example, it would be rare to notice like Tristan Harris, how particular designs of apps and interface psychologically…
Crud in the eye of the mind, Sourness in the blood of the soul, The critic elaborates an idea he would find, In time he will be famous as a blind fool.