All Writings

Constructive use of social networking data through transparency

Transparency has taken on a new meaning in our day.  It is not only limited to what a person reveals online, but also how the revealed information is collected, inter-connected, and used to derive conclusions regarding that person.  The ones doing all this work also need to show transparency, thereby revealing their motives and intentions […]

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All Writings Government Individual Psychology Society

Finding belief in moderateness in the nuclear age

Nuclear technology is not bad in itself.  We have understood the sun and the stars, and in a way, have harnessed the same power to a lesser extent.  We have controlled fission, and are yet to understand ways to control fusion for peaceful purposes.  The insistence on using solar energy to fulfill the requirements for electricity […]

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All Writings Blog Government Individual Self improvement Society

Is it possible to have development without taking sides?

One would normally consider the taking of sides as being counter-intuitive to the idea of development.  Whatever resources we have, we would want to use them in a planned, organized, and united effort to get the best possible results.  There is a number of examples of this.  In a family, when the father, mother, and […]

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All Writings Observations Press This

Why our predictions must move away from utter doom to continuity?

The idea of terminal decline is pulling the power of prediction like a black hole pulls light into it.  This phenomenon is not new.  It has happened again and again throughout history.  It has also had its reasons.  It is sufficient to say that people desire achievement and progress.  However, when the price, the sacrifices, […]

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All Writings Government Psychology

Can today’s leaders improve our future by making more positive predictions?

Predictions are humanly impossible and are equally common.  Yes, as rare as they should be, they, in fact, form a part of everyday speech.  Whenever someone says, I will do this and I will do that, we are in a sense indulging in a prediction.  It is our certainty about life itself and our ability […]

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All Writings Government Society

1 – Aadhar – The belief in the possibility of a good, honest society

To avoid distraction, I have placed a note in the footer. Please read it first, if you wish, to gain perspective about this presentation. The nature of humans and the nature of government: It would seem that by now we would be absolutely clear about these two matters.  As it turns out, we are not.  […]

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All Writings Blog Observations

Cults of black-and-white thinking – a lesson from Jehovah’s witnesses

Cults – what does the word bring to mind?  There are thoughts of blind devotion.  There most certainly is the charisma or power of a leader over his followers.  Finally, there is the absolute certainty of purpose.  Whether one thinks of Jim Jones, Hitler, or the Messiah of Israel, these things are to be found […]

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All Writings Individual Observations

Observation – The disobedient angel and humans in Eden: what it says about the Creator?

Just in general terms and even with a number of misconceptions, the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden is one of the most popular stories from the Bible.  It happens to be right at the start, in the first few chapters of Genesis.  That is a prime reason for its popularity. […]

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All Writings Government Individual Society

Crisis of democracy – social decline through politicization, and insistence on freedoms and rights

It is easier to answer the question, what is democracy as compared to why is democracy.  Yes, why is democracy favored and touted as the ideal principle for governance, even though its failure was anticipated right from the time of Plato.  As it is practically impossible for all the people to get together and make […]

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All Writings Government Individual Society

Crisis of democracy – the simultaneous rise of individualism and populism through the agency of the Internet

If one were to make a most basic study of the idea of democracy, it would readily be understood that it stands on the principle of transfer of power.  Decades ago and as it happened for centuries, when even the possibility of the existence of the Internet and communication technology as we have today could […]

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All Writings Government Individual Society

Crisis of democracy – The ongoing confusion regarding separation of institution and individual

“If people were to accept the existence of a government, then they must be the ones choosing it”.  This simple idea became the foundation of democracy.  Everything that we have today in the form of democratic systems is, built on this idea.

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All Writings Government Individual Society

Indian government’s demonetization step – rooted in the concept of the divine

Try as one may otherwise, the human mind by necessity needs to have some basic concepts about the world around us.  The concepts we have could be, should be, of a more general nature.  Upon these basic concepts, details are added through observations, experiences, training, and learning.  If the basic concept is correct, they will […]

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All Writings Government Individual Society

Indian government’s demonetization step – the test of behaviors

It would be the prime accusation that, the Indian government under the current BJP rule was hasty in announcing, executing, and implementing the decision to demonetize 500 and 1,000 Rupee currency notes.  Does this accusation stand to reason?  Yes, it does stand to the reason guided by observation.  There is more to the faculty of […]

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All Writings Government Individual Society

Indian government’s demonetization step – an object lesson in today’s world

In the life of a nation, there come times when landmark decisions are made.  The decision itself stands to define the future course of that nation.  As it is, we are now part of the global whole and therefore, significant decisions create waves that easily go beyond national borders.  The ideas of governments, their ambitions, […]

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All Writings Observations

The flawed and biased employment of critical thinking

  The website, “The Critical Thinking Community” carries this definition of critical thinking, on one of its pages: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, […]

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All Writings Observations

Criticizing the institutions – what lesson in Jehovah’s witnesses and others?

The short answers is, it depends on the person to join or criticize JWs or any other institution.  An important separation between the institution and the individual should always remain in the mind of the observer.  The difference and the connection should be a constant, and an obvious fact.

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All Writings

Short thought – 6 – The preferred lie

An assumption took hold, An imagination was sold, Men would find the way out of damnation, People would create their own salvation.   The dream lives on, The effort goes on, While the struggling masses wait, There is rampant injustice within the gate.   Science has not tried long enough, Philosophy has not explored deep […]

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All Writings Observations

Why the difference between the Old and the New Testament? Lessons for us today.

The undeniable fact is, an obvious difference exists between, what the Old Testament (Hebrew-Aramaic scriptures) and what the New Testament (Greek scriptures) speak of.  The Old Testament speaks of cruelty that simply defies human understanding, and the New Testament speaks of love that defies human imagination.  Yet, both are originating from the same God.  How […]

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All Writings Observations

Determining what is “fake news”. What is “real news”?

The phrase “fake news” has become popular in recent times.  In the year 2016, another related phrase “post truth” became popular.  Outside of the political world, there is much that is happening which makes the appearance and use of these phrases timely and legitimate.  A consideration of what is behind these ideas will help us […]

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