All Writings Psychology Self improvement The Young

How can the youth protect themselves from addiction to technology?

It has been with every generation, especially in the past 100 years that addiction to technology has been a very real possibility.  Since the start of the industrial revolution, the speed of change has been tremendous.  Dependence on machines and development in technology has gone hand-in-hand.  The younger ones, more enthusiastic and curious by nature, […]

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All Writings Individual Self improvement Society

Curiosity and a spirit of adventure for those who seek answers, not absolute certainty

While it is very desirable to be able to come to a point of certainty, it is not always possible.  The rules we set, the goals we pursue, the desires we cherish could be examples of stable reasons for actions.  However, these too can change with time.  What appeared to be certain yesterday can appear […]

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All Writings Psychology Self improvement

Finding peace through a willingness to adjust

The willingness to adjust comes upon consideration of several factors.  While it is tempting to let all of one’s thinking and desires be centered on oneself or one objective, life rarely lets it be so simple.  There is a multitude of considerations for every person who recognizes his responsibilities.  Such a recognition brings a slowness […]

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All Writings Observations Self improvement Society

How can we use the speed of communication technology to social advantage?

In ancient times, a man would get on a horse if there was an important information to be delivered quickly.  Horses were kept and cared for, for times just as these.  Maybe the rider was sleeping in his bed.  He was awakened for the express purpose of having to get the horse ready and deliver […]

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All Writings Self improvement

How we can have a satisfying life by looking for the practical – giving priority to needs over wants

The truly sustainable way of life is one where needs are met at all times and desires can be met some of the times.

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