Even personal problems, if constantly ruminated on, can drown any person’s enthusiasm. The young people of our day have the chance to leverage historically unparalleled resources and make a real difference.
Tag: Freedom
Bipolar disorder has become the accepted name given to the manifest inner conflicts of disturbed individuals. While there are questions and concerns over the diagnosis of bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) itself, there are special considerations that arise as a person’s beliefs are considered. The source of those beliefs also invariably comes into question. Aside from […]
There has been a noticeable insistence on physical things in recent times. It has been very deliberate, systematic, and evident of great intelligence. Who are its proponents is not the most important thing. One could, of course, examine the sayings of modern, atheist thinkers like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins. Listening to such intelligent men […]
A conversation has the power to liberate a human being. It has the power to set free the mind from bondage. Even one exchange of ideas is able to give a new direction to the thinking of a person, or the chance of realization. Why would anyone want to do so? The real reason has […]
Time goes by and a human mind is able to persist despite a lack of certainty. It requires a simplicity and an exercise of patience, but it is possible. Keeping a sense of contentment is very important during times of uncertainty. It is quite like a ship out in the open sea. A ship can […]
In ancient times, a man would get on a horse if there was an important information to be delivered quickly. Horses were kept and cared for, for times just as these. Maybe the rider was sleeping in his bed. He was awakened for the express purpose of having to get the horse ready and deliver […]
It is amazing to consider, that a human being would willingly accept a label to define his entire existence. There are many labels in existence. People label themselves based on education, profession, family, country, or religion. With an expanding knowledge, each of those labels proves insufficient and incomprehensive. So, in order to identify oneself, an […]
Even the strongest person cannot face an endless challenge. There are some challenges that are imposed upon a person. These can be due to health or family, for instance. On the other hand, there are challenges that are accepted by a person due to the way society is made up. These challenges are also imposed upon […]
Mankind stepped into a new era when information could be transmitted over invisible waves to bring audio, and then, a combination of audio and video to so many people.
There is the impossible task of asking society to offer solutions to problems that society itself has produced, tolerated, or silently witnessed for so long. When such a task is undertaken, there is the danger of quickly losing balance in any line of reasoning or with any argument. As soon as a statement can be […]
Beliefs are one of the most fascinating, and some would say, the most significant component of the ideas that a human being holds. It wouldn’t be wrong to say, there is always some emotional connection to any idea that forms a part of the beliefs of any human being. When a wife believes her husband […]
Just in general terms and even with a number of misconceptions, the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden is one of the most popular stories from the Bible. It happens to be right at the start, in the first few chapters of Genesis. That is a prime reason for its popularity. […]
The claim is often made by individuals with specific objectives and interests that, the Bible is outdated and no longer useful. It is also believed that, there is nothing profound or worth learning from a book that many others consider to be the revealed will of God. It is possible that, the Bible falls short […]
It is easier to answer the question, what is democracy as compared to why is democracy. Yes, why is democracy favored and touted as the ideal principle for governance, even though its failure was anticipated right from the time of Plato. As it is practically impossible for all the people to get together and make […]
“If people were to accept the existence of a government, then they must be the ones choosing it”. This simple idea became the foundation of democracy. Everything that we have today in the form of democratic systems is, built on this idea.
It has to be maintained that, when history would look back upon the Indian government’s decision of demonetization, factors more significant than political party and economics would be considered. Did the present Indian government under the BJP have complete and full understanding of the implications, and of the effects of demonetization as they would be […]
Try as one may otherwise, the human mind by necessity needs to have some basic concepts about the world around us. The concepts we have could be, should be, of a more general nature. Upon these basic concepts, details are added through observations, experiences, training, and learning. If the basic concept is correct, they will […]
Conviction and certainty of belief impart a particular trait to the very thinking and expression of a person that goes counter to reason, and the willingness to listen. Be it blunt or sharp, the absolutist conclusion of the convinced person does not have the opening to alter the conviction. The belief is not only unchallenged, […]
There is a natural order of things. Nature works because, it has its own system. The most gigantic interaction of living and the nonliving makes up the system of nature. In this system, there are many parts and subsystems. We can discern, there is an order to the way all creatures interact with the environment […]
For those who are thinking actively, it would seem prudent not to put words like justice and impatience in the same sentence. However, as soon as one steps out of propriety and sentence construction in theoretical settings, it is easy to see that, our practical reality puts us in precisely this undesirable position. In the […]