All Writings Blog Individual Psychology Self improvement

When attention is sustained, a small change can hold the potential for a major shift

Could it rightly be said that small things can hold the potential for a major shift?  It is possible that you already understand the possibilities.  It is possible, you have seen by way of observation, or experienced in your life when such a thing happens.  A very simple, innocuous-seeming conversation, reading a passage in a […]

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All Writings Society

How the Internet has changed leadership, its place, and its functioning

It is no secret that the Internet has changed how human society functions.  There are specific effects that can be observed no matter where one looks.  However, it is the effect on leadership that is most notable.  The way the Internet and its related technologies have developed, leadership is most definitely affected.  Who is the […]

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All Writings Individual Observations

Observation – Satan’s absurdity, and Eve’s naivete…and many questions

The claim is often made by individuals with specific objectives and interests that, the Bible is outdated and no longer useful.  It is also believed that, there is nothing profound or worth learning from a book that many others consider to be the revealed will of God.  It is possible that, the Bible falls short […]

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All Writings Government Individual Society

Indian government’s demonetization step – rooted in the concept of the divine

Try as one may otherwise, the human mind by necessity needs to have some basic concepts about the world around us.  The concepts we have could be, should be, of a more general nature.  Upon these basic concepts, details are added through observations, experiences, training, and learning.  If the basic concept is correct, they will […]

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All Writings Observations

The future of human society is predicated upon our perception of justice

The featured image: Weighing of the Heart Book of the Dead written on papyrus showing the Weighing of the Heart in the Duat using the feather of Maat as the measure in balance. What is justice?  Is personal justice and justification more important than social justice?  Is human intelligence capable of offering satisfactory justice?  Is divine justice the only possible hope […]

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All Writings Observations

The flawed and biased employment of critical thinking

  The website, “The Critical Thinking Community” carries this definition of critical thinking, on one of its pages: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, […]

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All Writings Observations

Overcoming disappointment with Jehovah’s witnesses, and humans in general

I was never interested in organized religion.  Organized religion meant the confining and defining of any real faith a person might have.  The worst taste of religion for me – deeply organized and correctly identified as a cult – was with Jehovah’s witnesses.  Right from the time I was studying, I could see some crucial […]

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All Writings Government Individual Observations Society

Individualism and the challenges to democracy: uncertainties in the hands of men

The rise of individualism and social congregation of like-minded individuals on social networks is, most certainly the end of traditional democracy.  Already there is a kind of reactionary leadership, leading to a weakening of authority.

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All Writings Observations

Redefining values – digital images in the post-truth age

I believe, there is a translation into “pseudo-reality” of anything or anyone as-soon-as it enters the digital realm and presented on screens.  Whether it is human suffering, human achievement, money, the news, courtroom proceedings, or communication – everything stands to lose its value when it is put on display.

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All Writings Observations

Why the growth of extremism in recent times? Is there a remedy?

It would be a mistake to confine extremism to religion or political ideology or a nationality.  Extremism can be found anywhere, even in music and art.  It is usually a response to some external trouble.  It could be seen as a means of countering the negative influence of outside forces, and as a means to […]

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

The adoption of a thought

The adoption of a thought is a uniquely human trait.  With exposure to so much information which, clearly exceeds any human’s ability to process, it becomes difficult to be certain of anything.  A person could be asked to question the validity of any thought, even those dear to him.  Where a person is himself unwilling […]

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