All Writings Blog Observations

The story of the deaf stonemason

In sharing this story, I take a particular pleasure.  What this man did for us is of truly lasting value.  He worked diligently at our place for just a few days.  In those few days, he endeared himself by the way he worked, his mannerisms, how he paid no attention to supervision, and in all […]

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All Writings Individual Observations Psychology Society

When the creative meet the unrewarding world of social networking – a basis from Bertrand Russell

A [creative] boy will toil up hill with a toboggan for the sake of the few brief moments of bliss during the descent; no one has to urge him to be industrious, and however he may puff and pant he is still happy. But if instead of the immediate reward you promised him an old-age pension at […]

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All Writings Blog Government Individual Self improvement Society

Is it possible to have development without taking sides?

One would normally consider the taking of sides as being counter-intuitive to the idea of development.  Whatever resources we have, we would want to use them in a planned, organized, and united effort to get the best possible results.  There is a number of examples of this.  In a family, when the father, mother, and […]

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All Writings Blog Observations The Young

Becoming the kind of people who have a diversity of interests

Technology has affected not only societies but also the individual within them.  In particular, the way we search and access information has become very specific.  This is not a bad thing.  However, it also requires a user of technology to put this knowledge to use.  Using information is possible through understanding, and that understanding comes […]

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All Writings Individual Observations Psychology Society

How is hope the basis of a social movement?

So, really, it is not just the changing objectives but hope that is keeping the ideology of a movement in continuation. If there is a hope worthy of maintaining, the social movement will find regenerative power.

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All Writings Government Individual Society

Indian government’s demonetization step – rooted in the concept of the divine

Try as one may otherwise, the human mind by necessity needs to have some basic concepts about the world around us.  The concepts we have could be, should be, of a more general nature.  Upon these basic concepts, details are added through observations, experiences, training, and learning.  If the basic concept is correct, they will […]

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