All Writings Blog Observations Psychology

Can real happiness be found through objectivity?

It would be difficult to place an exact event or time when a person experiences happiness for the first time.  One would very much hope, it was during the days of infancy, even before the faculties of reason had started to develop.  And so, by this way of referencing, happiness or the experiencing of it […]

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All Writings Blog Observations Society

What kind of conversations can truly produce change in society?

Conversations are the most powerful tool to bring change in society. In a civil society, it is the only acceptable tool.  It is true, we have to make an assumption about a society being civil in the first place.  Aside from a limited personal experience and association, a very cursory reflection on the whole of […]

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All Writings Psychology Society

Are there reliable ways of finding out the truth about a person on social networking? Part 1: imaginations

This post is not about technicalities of social networking.  It is not about finding the exact IP address or other analytics data about a person.  This post is not about finding technological features to accurately geo-locate a person.  What this post is about are the limitations of human understanding, the capability of humans to deceive […]

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All Writings Observations

Overcoming disappointment with Jehovah’s witnesses, and humans in general

I was never interested in organized religion.  Organized religion meant the confining and defining of any real faith a person might have.  The worst taste of religion for me – deeply organized and correctly identified as a cult – was with Jehovah’s witnesses.  Right from the time I was studying, I could see some crucial […]

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