All Writings Individual Society

What is the individual today, in view of a constantly changing world?

When you close your eyes and shut out the sounds of the outside world, there is a place you can reach with the passage of time. There is a place within you that is worth visiting. Most people have never visited that place. It is much more likely, that even before there has been a […]

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All Writings Individual Observations

Observation – The disobedient angel and humans in Eden: what it says about the Creator?

Just in general terms and even with a number of misconceptions, the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden is one of the most popular stories from the Bible.  It happens to be right at the start, in the first few chapters of Genesis.  That is a prime reason for its popularity. […]

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All Writings Individual Observations

Observation – Satan’s absurdity, and Eve’s naivete…and many questions

The claim is often made by individuals with specific objectives and interests that, the Bible is outdated and no longer useful.  It is also believed that, there is nothing profound or worth learning from a book that many others consider to be the revealed will of God.  It is possible that, the Bible falls short […]

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All Writings Individual Observations

Observations – Adam and Eve know they are naked

On a day like any other day before, but never a day like it afterwards, the first man and woman experienced something.  From that day forward, woman and man were changed irreversibly.  They felt things unknown to their minds prior to that day.  They said new things.  Adam and Eve said things to the Lord […]

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