All Writings Blog Observations

Returning to writing after a gap

There is the possibility for greater communication through writing – much of it finding efficacy and peace due to privacy. Social networking seems to have put all that used to remain private out in the open. Maybe, there is still a getting used to this and a regaining of balance.

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All Writings Blog Observations

A fascination with wrist watches

I remember, as a young boy, this fascination with wristwatches.  At the time, there was no deep philosophical reason for it.  Watches simply were machines to be fascinated with.  The way these were designed; how methodical and systematic was the movement of the hands to show the minutes, hours, and seconds!  Specifically, some of the […]

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All Writings Blog Self improvement

Analysis and problem-solving don’t bring real happiness

Happiness is such a basic human desire.  It also is one of the foremost pursuits of mankind.  Whether we are those who consciously pursue happiness or believe it to be like the light that shines through upon us through the clouds when the time for it has come, we all know the good sensation happiness […]

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All Writings Blog Observations Psychology Self improvement

The exclusive focus on physical things will create an imbalance

There has been a noticeable insistence on physical things in recent times.  It has been very deliberate, systematic, and evident of great intelligence.  Who are its proponents is not the most important thing.  One could, of course, examine the sayings of modern, atheist thinkers like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins.  Listening to such intelligent men […]

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All Writings Government Individual Psychology Society

Finding belief in moderateness in the nuclear age

Nuclear technology is not bad in itself.  We have understood the sun and the stars, and in a way, have harnessed the same power to a lesser extent.  We have controlled fission, and are yet to understand ways to control fusion for peaceful purposes.  The insistence on using solar energy to fulfill the requirements for electricity […]

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