All Writings Observations

The future of human society is predicated upon our perception of justice

The featured image: Weighing of the Heart Book of the Dead written on papyrus showing the Weighing of the Heart in the Duat using the feather of Maat as the measure in balance. What is justice?  Is personal justice and justification more important than social justice?  Is human intelligence capable of offering satisfactory justice?  Is divine justice the only possible hope […]

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All Writings Observations

The flawed and biased employment of critical thinking

  The website, “The Critical Thinking Community” carries this definition of critical thinking, on one of its pages: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, […]

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All Writings Observations

Overcoming disappointment with Jehovah’s witnesses, and humans in general

I was never interested in organized religion.  Organized religion meant the confining and defining of any real faith a person might have.  The worst taste of religion for me – deeply organized and correctly identified as a cult – was with Jehovah’s witnesses.  Right from the time I was studying, I could see some crucial […]

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All Writings Observations

The section of the world, we want to see…none see all!

When you put a query into a search box of an engine like Google or Bing, are you not already directing what kind of information will be presented?  The direction you put yourself in contact with connects you to a stream of information.  That stream of information and what flows to your eyes and ears […]

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All Writings Observations

Determining what is “fake news”. What is “real news”?

The phrase “fake news” has become popular in recent times.  In the year 2016, another related phrase “post truth” became popular.  Outside of the political world, there is much that is happening which makes the appearance and use of these phrases timely and legitimate.  A consideration of what is behind these ideas will help us […]

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All Writings Observations Short reads

Short thought – 4 – the bane of criticism

Crud in the eye of the mind, Sourness in the blood of the soul, The critic elaborates an idea he would find, In time he will be famous as a blind fool.

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All Writings Observations Short reads

Short thought – 3 – the language of ideas

With gestures and with words, He tried to convey his thoughts. But the people he spoke with, Looked penetratingly at the light on his skin.

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All Writings Observations Short reads

Short thought – 1 – Public introspection on social networks

Words of a moment, Flash of an idea, Like the twinkle of  a distant star, Or the breeze from a falling feather.

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

The adoption of a thought

The adoption of a thought is a uniquely human trait.  With exposure to so much information which, clearly exceeds any human’s ability to process, it becomes difficult to be certain of anything.  A person could be asked to question the validity of any thought, even those dear to him.  Where a person is himself unwilling […]

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