All Writings Individual Observations Society

Is the future determined by our beliefs?

Think of belief as a future destination.  Yes, there are beliefs of such nature.  All beliefs are ideas, and ideas can travel through time.

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

The natural order of things as a basis for justice

There is a natural order of things.  Nature works because, it has its own system.  The most gigantic interaction of living and the nonliving makes up the system of nature.  In this system, there are many parts and subsystems.  We can discern, there is an order to the way all creatures interact with the environment […]

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

Does justice emanate from belief?

Human beings are unique among creatures on this earth, for we have even deeper than the conscious, the very instinct of justice.  Even without thought or much deliberation, a human can have the instinct for justice.  This sense of justice brings rivalry among brothers, it brings favoritism, it brings inequality between the genders.  On the […]

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All Writings Observations

The flawed and biased employment of critical thinking

  The website, “The Critical Thinking Community” carries this definition of critical thinking, on one of its pages: Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, […]

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All Writings Observations

Criticizing the institutions – what lesson in Jehovah’s witnesses and others?

The short answers is, it depends on the person to join or criticize JWs or any other institution.  An important separation between the institution and the individual should always remain in the mind of the observer.  The difference and the connection should be a constant, and an obvious fact.

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All Writings Observations

Extreme views: Seeing the world from the edges, or rooted in a view

The greater the sense of confusion grows, so grows the desperation to find answers.  Finding oneself unable to compete in a world of ever-growing divides, even those with experience find themselves thrown off-balance.  Falling down the slippery slopes of divided views, people find themselves secure at the very edges.  From the very edges they establish […]

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All Writings Observations

Overcoming disappointment with Jehovah’s witnesses, and humans in general

I was never interested in organized religion.  Organized religion meant the confining and defining of any real faith a person might have.  The worst taste of religion for me – deeply organized and correctly identified as a cult – was with Jehovah’s witnesses.  Right from the time I was studying, I could see some crucial […]

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All Writings Government Individual Observations Society

Individualism and the challenges to democracy: uncertainties in the hands of men

The rise of individualism and social congregation of like-minded individuals on social networks is, most certainly the end of traditional democracy.  Already there is a kind of reactionary leadership, leading to a weakening of authority.

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All Writings Observations

The section of the world, we want to see…none see all!

When you put a query into a search box of an engine like Google or Bing, are you not already directing what kind of information will be presented?  The direction you put yourself in contact with connects you to a stream of information.  That stream of information and what flows to your eyes and ears […]

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All Writings Observations

Why the growth of extremism in recent times? Is there a remedy?

It would be a mistake to confine extremism to religion or political ideology or a nationality.  Extremism can be found anywhere, even in music and art.  It is usually a response to some external trouble.  It could be seen as a means of countering the negative influence of outside forces, and as a means to […]

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All Writings Observations

Losing balance with extremism

It is peculiar at this present time, how polarized and unbalanced human thinking has become.  In the quest to take sides, either for mysticism (eastern thought) or for western thought (materialism) there is a dangerous imbalance that is seen.  This shift toward materialism is no doubt an expression of the decline in human thinking and […]

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All Writings Observations

Lesson from Solomon – Continuity and finality – opposite worldviews.

Do you have a worldview?  Even though you may have never sit down and enunciated what it is, or taken pains to explain it to others, most surely you do have a worldview.  In the globalized world where, even the knowledge of distant galaxies is available to the boy on the street, potential for knowledge-based […]

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All Writings Observations

Determining what is “fake news”. What is “real news”?

The phrase “fake news” has become popular in recent times.  In the year 2016, another related phrase “post truth” became popular.  Outside of the political world, there is much that is happening which makes the appearance and use of these phrases timely and legitimate.  A consideration of what is behind these ideas will help us […]

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All Writings Observations Short reads

Short thought – 3 – the language of ideas

With gestures and with words, He tried to convey his thoughts. But the people he spoke with, Looked penetratingly at the light on his skin.

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All Writings Observations Short reads

Short thought – 2 – the space and place of life

I saw war and I saw peace, I saw time and I saw space. I saw the needle’s tip and a strand of hair, I saw the butterfly’s wing and a hungry bear. Experiences vanish and memories cease, Man’s woes will grow as knowledge will increase.

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

Why a human is incapable of truth, but is capable of peace?

The truth could be seen as, when, a statement is the same as the existence of a matter.  When a man speaks of what is in existence, he offers his observation.  He observes, understands, and expresses.  If the understanding is the same as that of everyone else, it has to be regarded as truth!  This […]

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

Tested by our own beliefs

The idea of freedom is an illusion. Human beings have never been free. We are chasing illusions, and we serve those illusions. So how can a human who is capable of believing, ever be free? Our beliefs hold us captive! What is more, we need something to believe in to do anything. The words that come out of our mouth are out of belief that, those words will carry the same meaning to the listener. IF not, then silence becomes belief!

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