All Writings Blog Individual Psychology Self improvement

When attention is sustained, a small change can hold the potential for a major shift

Could it rightly be said that small things can hold the potential for a major shift?  It is possible that you already understand the possibilities.  It is possible, you have seen by way of observation, or experienced in your life when such a thing happens.  A very simple, innocuous-seeming conversation, reading a passage in a […]

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All Writings Blog

Looking at life the wrong way, no long

By the mind one understands.  By an excess of the same mind, one misunderstands. How does one escape the tendency to be unsteadied by the extreme of a habit?  For as is one’s occupation, so one becomes proficient.  The great discovery since the developments of the sciences has been the tendency toward the mind, even […]

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All Writings Observations

Comparing the messages of Solomon and Jesus regarding generations and longevity

The contemplations over our life affect how we live.  In such thoughts, there are the concerns over generations existing together, what legacy one builds and leaves the latter, and the temporariness of all we have and build.  Such contemplation is good.  Wise men have done so.  They have left their words for us to reflect upon.  […]

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All Writings Blog Observations Psychology

Can real happiness be found through objectivity?

It would be difficult to place an exact event or time when a person experiences happiness for the first time.  One would very much hope, it was during the days of infancy, even before the faculties of reason had started to develop.  And so, by this way of referencing, happiness or the experiencing of it […]

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All Writings Blog

Admiration is only natural to feel

There is so much worthy of admiration in our world.  There always was, but we did not have the chance to know the existence of such places and creatures.  And now we are in a time when, if we choose to, we can find an endless supply of examples of Godly and of human creativity.  There […]

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All Writings Blog Observations

Does scrolling content on a fixed screen create the mindset of a fleeting existence?

It has now become the habit of billions around the world – young and old – to get an understanding of all things through scrolling content.  While the screen remains fixed in place at all times and even disappears from consciousness, unless one looks away, there is a hypnotizing of the mind.  Information is flowing […]

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All Writings Government Individual Psychology Society

Finding belief in moderateness in the nuclear age

Nuclear technology is not bad in itself.  We have understood the sun and the stars, and in a way, have harnessed the same power to a lesser extent.  We have controlled fission, and are yet to understand ways to control fusion for peaceful purposes.  The insistence on using solar energy to fulfill the requirements for electricity […]

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All Writings Observations Press This

Why our predictions must move away from utter doom to continuity?

The idea of terminal decline is pulling the power of prediction like a black hole pulls light into it.  This phenomenon is not new.  It has happened again and again throughout history.  It has also had its reasons.  It is sufficient to say that people desire achievement and progress.  However, when the price, the sacrifices, […]

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All Writings Blog Observations The Young

Becoming the kind of people who have a diversity of interests

Technology has affected not only societies but also the individual within them.  In particular, the way we search and access information has become very specific.  This is not a bad thing.  However, it also requires a user of technology to put this knowledge to use.  Using information is possible through understanding, and that understanding comes […]

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All Writings Blog Observations

Cults of black-and-white thinking – a lesson from Jehovah’s witnesses

Cults – what does the word bring to mind?  There are thoughts of blind devotion.  There most certainly is the charisma or power of a leader over his followers.  Finally, there is the absolute certainty of purpose.  Whether one thinks of Jim Jones, Hitler, or the Messiah of Israel, these things are to be found […]

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All Writings Observations Psychology

What is required to even consider changing one’s beliefs to explore better possibilities for the future?

The last post went through a consideration of the possibility of changing one’s beliefs.  It is a task best considered worth undertaking for the sake of survival.  Beliefs are also to be considered as a subject for change in the interest of preservation, longevity, and continuity.  Our existing generations would not be the first to […]

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All Writings Blog Individual Observations Society

How does a movie differ from real life? And why does present life seem like a movie?

Art follows life, or does life follow art?  This question seems nowhere more relevant than in the case of movies.  Movies are the depiction of life.  The characters in some cases are so relatable, that people have seen themselves on the movie screen.  They learn lessons, find out their own mistakes, and understand more about […]

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All Writings Self improvement

How we can have a satisfying life by looking for the practical – giving priority to needs over wants

The truly sustainable way of life is one where needs are met at all times and desires can be met some of the times.

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All Writings Individual Observations Society

The book of human existence

There is the impossible task of asking society to offer solutions to problems that society itself has produced, tolerated, or silently witnessed for so long.  When such a task is undertaken, there is the danger of quickly losing balance in any line of reasoning or with any argument.  As soon as a statement can be […]

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All Writings Blog

Thinking in the shade of a tree

Just this afternoon, while a mild sunshine came through what appeared to be a layer of smoke in the New Delhi sky, there were some thoughts in my mind.  There were thoughts of the nature that disturb, and also some make requests for peace.  I was, while sitting under the tree in our yard, thinking […]

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All Writings Individual Observations

About sin, the world, and death – questions and wonders partly confined to human imagination

Sin, the world, and death – we wonder of these at some time in our existence – by choice or we are compelled to.  In these very words or some other, in one language or another, we are confronted and cannot run away. There is to be found a peculiar coexistence in human thought today, […]

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